Friday, September 23, 2011

Vogue Fashion Night out

The idea of Vogue Fashion Night Out is not just an evening on the tiles and networking, it’s to get retailers selling and that it does!  Bruton Street Mayfair, which is where we were was a sea of fashion clad shoppers swarming the magnificent shops of Mayfair.  London has a great source of energy and by just walking around it inspires me to overwhelming levels. You see, everybody is here to make it; to be at the top of their game and this is what I love about London. We were invited to theMatthew Williamson store event and after party – Matthew’s as ever was the party to be at. It’s so laid back and friendly and of course the clothes are amazing.  He did it in connection with Momo’s so we had a Moroccan theme and we were joined there by Vogue Editor, Alexandra Shulman, and Twiggyamongst others. Bruton Street was buzzing and all the shops were full, so London was most definitely deemed a success. We also managed to swing by Jenny Packham’s store to see her delightful sequin dresses.  An exciting part of the evening was viewing a wrapping demonstration by Roland Mouret at his stand-alone store.  He used large pieces of material and pinned them on models to come up with some amazing pieces in minutes.  The best thing about the Roland Mouret party was the cakes he put out to celebrate his 50th birthday...
Vogue Fashion Night Out is getting bigger and bigger and now features in 16 countries worldwide; three more locations than last year spreading as far afield as New Delhi and Sydney.
Bridal Wedges

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